
Showing posts from October, 2022

Serbia! The Steps in Novi Sad & Day 24

I’m amazed at the city noise I am learning to sleep through.  My room is on the first floor meaning one level above the main hotel floor at the corner of two busy streets.  I sleep, or try to sleep, with the window open since the room is too warm for me. What will silence be like when I return home! We are heading to Petrovaradin Citadel, a towering fortress on a hill above the city, built by the Austrians in 1692.  Ahhh, we catch a bus for part of the way.  I injured my foot in Ljubljana,  and I’ve been limping slightly, but no one has noticed.  Perhaps that is good since I don’t want to complain and impact others.  However, I’ve been living on 800 mg ibuprofen and keep on going! Novi Sad hasn’t shown very much character yet.  The area of the hotel is in a newer part of town and centrally located, but the city looks very generic.  As we reach the older part of town which was once part of fortress, the buildings become much more interesting decorated with trim and painted pastel

Serbia or Syria and Day 23!

My room is right above the front door of the hotel and the recycling bins and has been so warm I sleep with the windows open.  The inside ledge is a great place to dry your clothes, but I really don’t want my undies to blow out and float over the streets! I failed to set my alarm so I could wish the group “Farewell!” at 4:30 AM.  I heard noises throughout the night with people in the streets and recycling clinks and clanks so I thought I would hear our group.   Sleeping with one ear open is not productive nor leads to clear thoughts.  I awoke at 5:30 thinking I was already in SYRIA!  “Oh, I have a couch in my room like in Slovenia,” and totally discombobulated not being able to remember the schedule for my first day in Syria! I finally awakened enough to remember I was still in Slovenia, I had missed a final goodbye to the group that left, and I was going to Serbia not Syria!  Oh, the day can only get better! I wanted to cover a controversial topic Damir talked about on the bus