
Showing posts from March, 2023

Day 1 - Me and Tom Hanks

It’s been a LONG day!  Robyn picked me up at zero-dark-thirty (translation - 3:15 AM) heading to the Richmond airport.   We might hit a deer on the interstate in the dark, but we were not going to hit traffic!  Robyn, like me, prefers to arrive early for flights.  Everyone arrives 1 1/2 hours before domestic flights so we arrive TWO hours early!  Aren’t we smart but tired! We are heading on a LONG awaited trip to the Galápagos Islands via several days in the Amazon rainforest along with Quito, the capital of Ecuador.  I have waited 49 YEARS for this adventure!  As a freshman at Wake Forest, the biology department invited students to spend spring break in the Galapagos.  I thought I would go another time, and they NEVER went again!   Robyn and I started planning this trip in 2017, but we were way-laid with a visit to see Michael and Robyn’s brother in Dubai and then to Africa.  We booked the Galapagos trip for March of 2020, and we all know what happened then.  It was postponed until 20